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July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018

During Fiscal Year 2018, a total of 60,869 meals were served. Volunteers delivered 29,907 meals, traveling a combined total over 276 miles five days a week, to homebound elderly and handicapped persons aged 18-59 to parts of Monroe, Marion and Ralls counties. Hot congregate and home delivered meals are served in Monroe City six days a week in Monroe City and five days a week in Palmyra; a total of 30,962 congregate meals were served in FY’ 18.


Over 351 home-visits were completed to homebound residents in Monroe City, Perry, Center, Palmyra, Philadelphia, Rensselaer, Indian Creek and the surrounding rural areas between these towns.


The Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center expanded its in-home services. They currently serve the elderly in Marion, Monroe and Ralls counties. A total of 76 unduplicated elderly clients were provided 4,552 hours of personal care, homemaker chore and respite services.


Assisted 2,423 persons with outreach, I & A, Home Injury Control Education, Nutrition Education, Medication Management Education, Public Education, Elder Abuse, Home Injury Control Education, Legal Assistance, Public Education, CLAIM and Affordable Care Act in the North east Missouri Region.


Over 140 unduplicated volunteers provided 8,521 hours of volunteer service.


Approximately 475 newsletters were distributed monthly throughout Monroe City, Perry, Palmyra, Rensselaer, Indian Creek, Philadelphia, Hunnewell, Stoutsville and Center.


Over 120 personal Get Well, Sympathy or Thinking of You cards were sent to participants of the Monroe City and Palmyra Nutrition Centers.


32 Health Clinics were held throughout the year at the Monroe City and Palmyra sites. Approximately 95 flu shots were administered at the Monroe City and Palmyra Nutrition Centers.


Eighteen seniors participate in the exercise classes at the Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center. Chair exercises are offered on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays and Yoga is held twice a week at the Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center.


A program on Fire Prevention and a fire drill is held annually at the Monroe City and Palmyra Senior Centers.


The Monroe City and Palmyra Nutrition Centers participate in their local community events. Some of which include 4th of July & Christmas Parade, and Christmas is Caring. This year the Monroe City had 11 volunteers walk in the Independence Day parade. They dressed as Super Heroes, shot water guns, handed out literature and advertised that seniors are “Never Too Old to Play”.


For Older American’s month, the Monroe City Senior Center set up a photo booth for participants to experience. A game of Family Feud was also played with four separate teams participating.


Because of reduced federal funding, the staff of the Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center implemented a “Pie in the Face” contest showing we are willing to do whatever it takes. The fundraiser generated $631.00 for the meal programs.


Christmas activities included a daily Countdown to Christmas drawing, Wear and Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and Breakfast with Santa.


Trained nutrition center staff provided tax assistance during February and March to seniors and handicapped adults in Monroe, Marion and Ralls. A total of $20,078 was brought back to 45 of our local seniors through the circuit breaker program.


Trained V.I.T.A. staff assisted individuals with Federal and State tax returns.

Staff at the Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center searched the State’s Unclaimed Funds database and help seniors find unclaimed funds.


Six trained CLAIM personnel assist seniors and handicapped adults with Medicare, Social Security, Missouri Healthnet, Missouri RX and SNAP applications.

Continually updated our Facebook page and Website so loved ones can keep up with their parent’s activities.

The Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center began a 10 minute weekly radio segment called “Senior Moments”. This live aired talk back radio show reaches over 3,000 individuals in Northeast Missouri with current senior issues.

We partnered with the Marion, Monroe and Ralls County Fairs by accepting home cured hams as a fundraising project.


Hosted six exchange students from China for a one day volunteer work experience.


The Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center coordinated two 7 day trips during Fiscal Year ’18. In September we took 42 people to Colorado and in April a total of 36 people visited Washington, D.C.


Local children from Holy Rosary School entertained Monroe City Senior Nutrition with songs during holiday season.


The Monroe City and Palmyra Nutrition Center’s held its Annual Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners serving a total 1,782 meals on those days.


Completed the 10th Annual Adopt-A-Senior Program and collected enough funds to give a total 244 meals to low income seniors.


Honored our staff of volunteers during the 10th Annual Lucille Hays Volunteer Banquet with a sit down dinner, special awards and door prizes. This year’s theme was Hearts; “Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time, they just have the heart!”


Partnered with the Monroe City Community Betterment Committee and provided hot lunches to 27 (twenty-seven) children of low income families during the summer break. A total of 1,184 meals were prepared by the Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center for this Kids Meal Program.


Partnered with the City of Monroe City, FFA, NHS, and local churches to collect participants in need of assistance for the communities Annual Make A Difference Day.


For the 3rd year, continued the program “Project One Stop Shop” with the grant money received from CLAIM.


Provided monthly education (Fraud Facts) on scams and how seniors can protect themselves.


The Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center partners with the Central Missouri Food Bank in making referrals for food commodities to low income seniors.


Through Memorial Donations and the Annual Club, the Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center was able to complete the following: purchase new photo frames for the local vintage photos of the Monroe City community, purchase two entryway chairs, a new end table and magazine rack.


In addition to volunteer transportation, our centers work with the OATS Program by providing a monthly meeting place, advertising their monthly trip schedule and referring clients in need of out of town transportation.


Pitch Tournaments are held every Tuesday night at the Monroe City Senior Center. In addition to the Monday afternoon Domino Tournaments, Monroe City Senior Nutrition has added two fun domino days every Tuesday and Wednesday.


A variety of recreational activities were held daily at the Centers. Pitch, dominoes, birthday bingo, penny pincher bingo, birthday parties, and puzzles are some of the regular activities.


Many guest speakers visited both the centers. Some of which included Missouri Veteran’s Commission, Better Business Bureau, Missouri Legal Services, and Missouri Vein Care.


Seasonal activities and other special events were held for the seniors. Special dates recognized were Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Grandparent’s Day, Easter and New Year’s. Special activities included: Veteran’s Day, Senior Citizen Prom, Day, Good Neighbor Day, National Senior Citizens Day, Cancer Awareness Day, Elderly Abuse Awareness Day, Spring Cleaning Bingo, Nutrition Bingo, St. Patrick’s Day Bingo, Hawaiian Days, and National Fruit Week. Many milestone birthdays have been celebrated by loved ones during lunch at the centers.


The Monroe City and Palmyra Centers provided over 1,133 Information and Referral Assistance to residents. The Monroe City and Palmyra Centers work with the Summer Youth Program and Community Service persons with community training.


The Monroe City, Palmyra and Perry Nutrition Center proud recipients and supporters of the United Way Agencies and participate in their annual campaign. Each fall these centers work with various businesses during the United Way Day of Caring.


The Monroe City Senior Nutrition Center works with various local non-profit organizations. These groups are the Chamber of Commerce, County Health Departments, NECAC, United Way of the Mark Twain Area, Ministerial Alliance, Monroe County OATS, Monroe City Manor Auxiliary, VFW Auxiliary Post #4240, Stone 4-H, Monroe City National Honor Society, Monroe City Senior Housing, University of Missouri Extension, Bristol Manor Care Center and other community groups. Many of them utilize our facility for meetings.



Administrator: Diana Hendrix


© 2024 Monroe City Nutrition Center | 314 South Main St. Monroe City, MO  63456 | 573-735-2131

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